Robert D. Sutherland




Language and Lewis Carroll. Mouton-De Gruyter. Janua Linguarum, Series Maior, 26, (1970), 245 pp. LC: 73-101966. A scholarly work.

Adobe Acrobat PDF fileOn the Battlefield: Cairo, Illinois," ed. Robert D. Sutherland. Bloomington-Normal, Illinois: Community for Social Action, 1970. 39 pp. Widely distributed free of charge in McLean County, Illinois as a public service, and electronically published on this website.

Sticklewort and Feverfew. The Pikestaff Press (1980), 355 pp. A novel, with 74 illustrations by the author. (Received the 1981 Friends of American Writers Juvenile Book Merit Award for author/illustrator.)

The Farringford Cadenza. The Pikestaff Press (2007), 528 pp. A suspenseful, humorous mystery novel.

The Observations of Ulysses, or, Notes by an Occasional Correspondent, being Dispatches sent to THE EVENING STAR, a Newspaper in Dunedin, New Zealand by Robert John Sutherland, of Keokuk, Iowa from March, 1881 to January, 1883, edited by his great-grandson, Robert D. Sutherland (published as a book, June, 1999), 64 pp. News, opinion, commentary.

FINAL SAY. A Legacy Memoir for My Descendants by Robert Donald Sutherland. In 19 sections. Electronically self-published and available as PDF file on flashdrive. (2009—2017) 1) Foreword to my Descendants 2) Contents 3) Chronology (timeline) 4) Parents and Grandparents 5) Formal Education 6) Reading 7) Working 8) Social/Political Activism 9) Teaching Career 10) Writing 11) Editing & Publishing 12) Artwork 13) Humorous Incidents 14) Travel [ a) Introduction; b) The Caribbean: Montserrat; Antigua; St. Croix; c) Yucatan; Honduras #1; Costa Rica #1; d) Scotland #1; England #1; e) Wales; Cornwall; England #2; f) Northern Ireland; Scotland #2; England #3; Irish Republic; g) The Galapagos Islands; mainland Ecuador; h) India; i) Russia; j) New Zealand; k) Southwestern United States; l) Hungary; Austria; The Czech Republic; Poland; m) Spain; n) Italy; o) Honduras #2; Guatemala; Belize; p) Costa Rica #2; q) Mexico (Oaxaca); r) Peru; s) Norway; Denmark; Sweden; Finland; t) Panama ] 15) Music & Film 16) Parenting 17) Thoughts on Aging 18) Conclusion 19) Cumulative Index


Philippic,” published electronically on this website (2020)

"The Madman," Mikrokosmos #1 (1959), published electronically on this website (2020) 

Succession,” Charlatan #1 (1963). Foldout section on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy

"At St. Columba's: Cairo, Illinois, 1970,” published electronically on this website (2020)

"For Sir Thomas More (1478 - 1535),” published electronically on this website (2020)

A View of the Conrad Hilton from the Wabash YMCA,” The Post- Amerikan (1974)

Fadeout (for Jim Scrimgeour),” [ 1978 ], published electronically on this website (2008)

On the Spoil Heaps (for Dorothea),” in Applecart #1 (1979), 23 and This Awkward Mud, READ ILLINOIS, Illinois State Library (1984), 11

Balboa Park,” [ 1984 ], published electronically on this website (2008)

The Wonderful World,” in Light Year ‘87, ed. Robert Wallace. (Cleveland, OH: Bits Press, 1986), 176

The Current Occupant of the White House Plans for War: February, 2003,” published electronically via the Internet in the Poets Against the War Anthology (2003)

"Epitaph for a Prolific Novelist," published electronically on this website (2009)

"Wupatki: North of Flagstaff,” published electronically on this website (2020)

"The Mummy,” published electronically on this website (2020)


Adobe Acrobat PDF filePoint of Departure,” Big Muddy, 5, #2 (2005), pp. 102-118

Adobe Acrobat PDF file "Childish Things," published electronically on this website (2012)

Adobe Acrobat PDF file "'Tis The Season,” published electronically on this website (2013)


On Literature

Adobe Acrobat PDF fileHidden Persuaders: Political Ideologies in Literature for Children,” Children’s Literature in Education, 16. #3 (1985), 143-157

"Review of Daniel F. Kirk’s Charles Dodgson, Semeiotician," in Philological Quarterly, XLIII (July, 1964), 429-431

"Review of Roger Pfingston’s Nesting," in The Pikestaff Forum #2 (Winter, 1979), 21

Adobe Acrobat PDF file "Review of Curtis White’s Heretical Songs," in The Pikestaff Forum #5 (Spring, 1983), 30

Adobe Acrobat PDF file "Thoughts on the Writing of Children’s Literature and A Few Words about Illustrating Children’s Books." Distributed as handouts to creative writing classes, and published electronically on this website June, 2011.

Forgettable Mysteries: An Exploratory Inquiry”, published as a guest-blog on Murder by 4 (January 11, 2012), and on this website.

On Writing

Nine Years to Grow a Raddermelish: or, Self-Publication, The Small Press, and the Joys of Doing-It-Yourself,” The Friends of Milner Library Newsletter, #22 (Spring, 1981), 3-6

Some Reflections on the Writing of Sticklewort and Feverfew,” SIGNAL (International Reading Association’s Special Interest Group on Literature for the Adolescent Reader), VI, #9 (May, 1981), 1, 3-4, 13

Adobe Acrobat PDF file "Imagination as a Gift," speech given to a Young Writers Conference at Blue Island, illinois, School District 130 (May 6, 1987) 

In Writing, Achieving Precision Leads to Effectiveness, Economy, and Clarity"

Adobe Acrobat PDF file "A Short Course in Creative Writing," as taught by Robert D. Sutherland at Illinois State University, 1974-1992. Primetime Monographs #1 (33 pp.), published electronically on this website (2009). May be downloaded free of charge.

Adobe Acrobat PDF fileSome Characteristics of Competent Writers and of Good Writing,” distributed to students in my Creative Writing classes at Illinois State University in the period 1974 –1992; published electronically on this website and downloadable free of charge. (2020)

“Conventions of Written English Punctuation Usage: General Guidelines,” ISU Creative Writing classes, 1988

Adobe Acrobat PDF file "The Importance of Suspense in Mystery-Writing: How Authors Can Create and Sustain It—And Why They Must." Primetime Monographs #2 (44 pp.), published electronically on this website (2009) and on the blog: May be downloaded free of charge.

"Tact in Mystery Writing", published electronically on the blog Murder by 4, Jan. 1, 2010

"Creating Interesting, Believable Characters," published electronically on the blog Murder by 4, Feb. 1, 2010

"Humor in Mystery Writing," published electronically on the blog Murder by 4, March 1, 2010

“Sex, Intrigue, and Deadly Pursuit—St. Croix, 1981,” Mystery Readers Journal, 26:3(Fall, 2010), 54–58, and on-line on the Mystery Readers Journal website.

Adobe Acrobat PDF file Thoughts on the Writing of Children’s Literature and A Few Words about Illustrating Children’s Books. Distributed as handouts to creative writing classes, and published electronically on this website June, 2011.

Adobe Acrobat PDF fileRobert D. Sutherland Gives Us an Indepth Insight Into the Creation of His Books, The Farringford Cadenza and Sticklewort and Feverfew” —An interview conducted by Sylvia L. Ramsey in “Thoughtful Reflections,” September 15, 2011. Also published electronically on this website (September 28, 2011).

Adobe Acrobat PDF fileWriting a Legacy-Memoir”, a version published as a guest-blog on Buried Under Books in two parts (January 25–26, 2013), ed. by Lelia Taylor; an updated version published electronically here, on this website.

On Editing and Publishing

Adobe Acrobat PDF filePublishing: Politics and Establishment Parochialism,” paper read and distributed at the MMLA Convention, Cincinnati, OH, (Nov. 5, 1982); published electronically on this website (2021)

Adobe Acrobat PDF fileThe Self-Publishing Option,” excerpt (modified) from “Publishing: Politics and Establishment Parochialism”, widely distributed over many years and published electronically on this website (2008)

By Way of Farewell: Looking Back on Nineteen Years of Editing and Producing The Pikestaff Forum,” in The Pikestaff Forum #13 (1996), 24-26

Adobe Acrobat PDF file Book Cover Design. Published electronically on this website and on the blogsite (May 1, 2011)

Adobe Acrobat PDF file When Well-Planned Book Marketing Strategies Fail. Published on the blog (September 3, 2011), on the blog (September 4, 20110, and electronically on this website (September 24, 2011).

“Digital hasn’t unlocked door to world without gatekeepers,” under Literary Livelihood, in Literary License, Newsletter of the Society of Midland Authors (May-July, 2012), 7

On Education

“The Teaching of English Composition to Gifted High School Students,” Illinois State University Bulletin, LXIII (Nov., 1965). 11-18 (Report of the Summer Institute in English, 1965)

“Education Through Freedom,” Readings for Rhetoric, ed. Frederick P. Kroeger, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1969, pp. 469-476

Some Thoughts on Conceptual Learning and Information Retrieval,” broadside distributed at Illinois State University (March, 1969)

Letting Students Be: Report on a Continuing Experiment in Education,” College English, 32, #7 (April, 1971), 733-739

On Being Parents” (with Marilyn Sutherland), The Post-Amerikan (April/May, 1990), 7

On Being a Father”, interview by Mary Blick for a college Sociology course in “Family” (1994), published electronically on this website (2008)

On Political Matters Graphic - The Sutherland Family Crest, "Sans Peur"

FBI Surveillance in Bloomington-Normal: A Local Citizen’s File,” The Post-Amerikan, 14, #3 (June-July, 1985), 4-7. [Printing, and discussing, selections from RDS’s FBI file obtained under the Freedom of Information Act; as a public document paid for by taxpayer’s money]

Toward Strengthening a Sense of Literary Community,” Illinois Writers Review, 9, # 2 (Winter 1990), 32-43

“Coping with Hate Speech and Hate Crimes,” The Post-Amerikan (Aug/Sept., 1999), 12-13

How Does One Sustain Oneself as a Social Activist in an Indifferent or Hostile Environment?” presented to the Unitarian Universalist Church, Bloomington, IL (July 9, 2000) published on this website [2008]

Defending Civil Liberties Against the Government’s ‘War on Terrorism’,” a speech given and distributed in printed form to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington-Normal, IL on March, 2003

The Essence of Patriotism in a Difficult Time,” The INDY (April 16, 2003), 2

TASERS: Bloomington’s Own Version of ‘Shock and Awe’?”, The INDY (April, 2004), lead article

"Guidelines for Demonstrators," broadside distributed by hand on numerous occasions; published electronically on this website (2020)

On Various Topics

Adobe Acrobat PDF fileOn the Battlefield: Cairo, Illinois," ed. Robert D. Sutherland. Bloomington-Normal, Illinois: Community for Social Action, 1970. 39 pp. Widely distributed free of charge in McLean County, Illinois as a public service, and electronically published on this website.

Problems of Shared Governance at Illinois State University: Management by Objectives--Catch-phrase of the Seventies,” quotation from panel sponsored by AAUP chapter at, ISU (December, 1974)

“Response to Donald Shields and John Cragan’s ‘The Interfacing of Rhetorical Theory and Computers for Speech Writers,’” delivered to the Rhetoric section of the Midwest Modern Language Association Convention in Chicago, IL (1977)

Report on the American Writers Congress.” New York (Oct. 9-12, 1981), The Post-Amerikan (Nov.,1981) (eye-witness account and critique)

Thoughts on Aging,” in round-robin Lifegame Newsletter of David Sutherland’s Pomona College graduating class (1987)

“Businesses learning to live with HIV and AIDS in the workplace” (with Beth Raboin), Business to Business: McLean County’s Monthly Business Magazine (May, 1999), 6, 8

“HIV/AIDS: Update on a Growing Epidemic—Are You At Risk of Becoming Infected?”, The INDY (Aug., 2003), 7

Adobe Acrobat PDF file Reminiscences of Illinois State University (1964–1975) [discussion of Normal’s Open Housing Demonstrations, Racial Tensions and the Attempt to Re-name the Student Union for Malcolm X, the Strike of Civil Service Employees, Educational Reform and Experimentation, Formation of the Gay Liberation Front and Allen Ginsberg’s Visit, the Campus Peace Movement and Anti-Viet Nam War Protests, FBI Spying on Campus, Threats on Faculty Members’ Lives, Reaction to the Kent State and Jackson State Killings, Efforts to Establish University Student/Faculty Shared Governance, the New Breed of Career Administrators], The INDY (Feb. 2007), 1, 5, 7-8


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